X-Core: an open source RV32IM MCU processor for Perf-V FPGA Board

X-Core ( https://github.com/PerfXLab/X-Core ) is an open source in-order 5-stage RISC-V 32-bit MCU processor. It supports RV32IM, mainly for RISC-V learning, teaching, and experiments. We use some core codes from PULP RI5CY, and partial SoC peripheral components and SDK from Hummingbird E200.


  • 5-stage pipeline, RV32IM, 50MHz on FPGA board
  • JTAG inferface, supports GDB
  • ITIM: 64KB (configurable), DTIM: 64KB (configurable)
  • QSPI interface for onboard flash
  • Peripheral components, including IIC, UART, SPI, GPIO, PWM, XADC, TIMER.


  • CoreMark : 2.52 CoreMark/MHz
  • Dhrystone : 1.53 DMIPS/MHz

